SAFEHAVEN IMPACT REPORT 2020-21-accessible



Exceptional Lives. Exceptional Care. 


To provide high-quality, family-centred, and community-based residential and respite care for individuals with complex care needs. 


We are Quality Focused 

We Embrace a Safety Culture 

We Put Clients and Families at the Centre of our Work

 We Thrive on Respectful Interactions 

We Pride Ourselves on Accountability 

We Believe in Team Values 


Nothing will test you like this will. 

It tests your patience. 

Your spirit. Strength. 

It changes what you care about. 

Who you care about. 

What you appreciate. 

It impacts your goals. Your dreams. 

It’s one of the biggest hardships you’ll ever endure. 

But finding life in difference. 

That’s rewarding. 

Rise above perception Rise up to resilience. 

We all belong.

safe haven (n.) A place of refuge or security. This is what we do. This is who we are.

Safehaven is a home–a refuge for vulnerable populations living with disabilities and medical complexities. Even during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, Safehaven has been a source of strength and resilience. Over the past year, we witnessed the rise of many heroes within our community and our WeBelong advocacy work became incredibly meaningful.

Our staff devoted themselves to caring for our clients’ health and advocating for their needs. These frontline heroes took on new protocols and remained adaptable through each wave of the pandemic to protect themselves and the health and well-being of our clients and other vulnerable sectors. At a time when they were our clients’ only in-person contact, our staff showed love and compassion the way their own families would. Safehaven’s commitment to care for vulnerable populations living with medically complex needs requires extreme diligence and precision at the best of times. Over the past 18 months, that has required difficult choices such as restricting family visits and keeping our clients apart from their loved ones for months, as well as cancelling all respite programing. Health and happiness are equally important and there have been countless examples of creative solutions on the part of the Safehaven team and our volunteers to make sure clients are thriving in, and not merely surviving the pandemic. This pandemic has also laid bare the many inequities vulnerable populations face every day. This reality continued to fuel our advocacy efforts not only for our clients, but also for our community, our sector, and across the province of Ontario. Our 2020/2021 report is the story of how in a year like no other our resilience and commitment has empowered the Safehaven community to rise above and beyond the challenges.Together #WeBelong


Finding purpose, building resilience, and empowering the vulnerable is the heartbeat of everything we do. Despite extreme circumstances, the 2020/2021 year was no different. As caretakers of some of society’s most fragile members, the COVID-19 pandemic tested the limits. We had to re-evaluate our entire organization to ensure that the safety and quality of our care would be enough to protect our clients and staff from COVID-19. This focus was our priority as we engaged in education with our clients, staff, and community while adapting to the evolving recommendations from Public Health and our Ministries.

At the beginning of 2021, sector leaders in Toronto came together to discuss a strategic approach to community Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) in a COVID context. Based on our model of residential care for children and adults with medically complex care needs–a significantly vulnerable population–we emerged as a clear leader in the sector to lead and advance the IPAC work for our communities. Our unique hybrid of clinical and community care resulted in Safehaven being selected as Toronto Region’s IPAC Champion Lead. We collaborated with over 100+ new partners across hundreds of sites to create and implement a gold-standard community-based IPAC program that protects vulnerable populations across Ontario. As vaccinations began, we advocated for equitable access among persons with disabilities and medical complexities. This work paved the path for our CEO’s appointments to the City of Toronto’s.

COVID-19 Vaccine Accessibility Task Force and the Provincial Network on vaccination advocating for access and equity to the COVID-19 vaccine. Our expertise has enabled Safehaven to lead the discussions that have elevated IPAC and vaccine equity for vulnerable individuals.

Through our IPAC leadership, we empowered the entire Safehaven team to drive the increased health and safety measures across our sites and translate our knowledge outwardly to support colleagues and agencies across regions in the Greater Toronto Region and the Province. Our mobile team of professional staff provided onsite support for agencies during outbreak for education, swabbing and vaccination. We witnessed our employees embody our core values every single day and go above and beyond their mandate. They championed our sites and each of our clients. They became teachers for other sectors while continuing to elevate our clients’ voices – they broadened their roles as advocates.

We Are Community Driven
Safehaven continues to demonstrate the value of community-driven solutions, particularly those that safeguard the most vulnerable populations. Our respite and residential clients alike were at home as their health and safety were the priority. This year, we continued to celebrate milestones, including graduations, birthdays, and first steps in new and creative ways. Our virtual engagement increased exponentially with celebrations and virtual visits and served as an important way to keep connected. Along with our IPAC efforts, we remained steadfast in championing our clients and the sector. We pitched innovative housing solutions, launched a virtual volunteer program and collaborated on new integrated programming precedents, one of which was earmarked in the Spring 2021 Ontario Budget. Most recently, we also received the support of both provincial and federal governments to upgrade our accessible swimming pool. This is a vital step in empowering our clients to break down barriers, and a testament to the power of our voice and advocacy. Together, we found solace in these victories, big and small. With the right care and surroundings, there is nothing our clients cannot overcome; they are changemakers.

We Are Changemakers
Finally, we continue to educate individuals who are vaccine hesitant and help drive vaccination rates in the sector while maintaining IPAC protocols. We are cautiously optimistic that COVID-19 is coming closer to being managed. However, we remain steadfast and diligent to ensure that the community has stronger foundations to manage infectious diseases in the future. We look forward to returning to some sense of normalcy, while recognizing that certain things will be forever changed.

As we look towards the year ahead, we take a moment to pause and acknowledge our victories before thinking of how we can build back even better. Together, we remain committed to building a solid future that is inclusive for our clients, staff, and families, and invite collaboration in creating opportunities for growth and belonging. Thank you for your continued support. May we continue to forge inclusive communities together. We are changemakers. We are advocates. We are community. We Belong.


Building our future with 300 Affordable Housing Units: Safehaven is committed to increasing residential housing options for vulnerable populations in the Greater Toronto Area. The work Safehaven has done to build new partnerships with community agencies across the Region has created new opportunities for growth that aligns with our strategy to create an inclusive community for all. This progressive expansion will rely on key partnerships and development projects to grow from 28 beds to 150+ beds between 2019-2025, with the potential to expand to 300+ beds by 2030. The first step in the expansion will be executed through realized partnerships in Vaughan and Toronto starting in 2021.

221 Serviced Families

38% Cerebral Palsy

20% Genetic Disorder

8% Seizure Disorder

221 Serviced Families

6% Muscular Dystrophy

2% Tracheostomy

17% Other

Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC)1 10,000+ impacts to date

70+ agencies over 600 sites participating

Vaccines: 3,500+ given for 1st dose

1,633 COVID-19 Congregate Care Residents

for the 1st dose 1,200+ Disabled individuals in the community

8 scheduled 2nd dose clinics for our sector

Created Rapid Antigen Collaborative: 1,148 swabs completed

20+ agency expansion across multiple sectors

and regions

1000+ individuals received Mask Fit Testing

80+ on site visits for outbreak management and IPAC reviews

Education Initiatives: 5,000 individuals attended IPAC Education Modules 1,500 individuals completed IPAC Champion Modules

Expanded support for Indigenous, Youth Justice, Violence Against Women, and Anti- Human Trafficking sectors.


Safehaven takes pride in providing a safe and loving environment for our clients, staff and families. With the onset of COVID-19, Safehaven further enhanced our already strict health and safety protocols to adapt and adjust to our ever-evolving landscape. Our first priority was to ensure that all of our employees were up to date with the changing protocols executed by public health, ensuring our policies and procedures were aligned to their guidelines and standards.

Over and above the policy development, it was critical that our staff felt they had the tools and resources they needed to navigate through the pandemic. To that end, we developed four virtual IPAC modules for staff that focused on hand hygiene, cleaning and outbreak management among other areas of focus. Attention to detail was one of the main contributing factors when it came to the protection of those we care for and employ, resulting in the implementation of regular audits and assessments of each of our locations to ensure they were properly equipped and prepared for whatever may come.

We are unapologetic in our approach to create a safe environment for our clients and families. Personal Protective Equipment needs were continuously evaluated and daily touchpoints across the organization were implemented virtually. In addition, we also demonstrated our ability to adapt by shifting our education days to a virtual platform, focusing on COVID-19 updates, policies and staff wellness to name a few.

Our IPAC work also extended past our clients, families and staff and included members from vulnerable sectors across our community. One of the critical components of our work came when we partnered with BD Canada to create our new Rapid Antigen Testing program. Through this initiative we have partnered with BD Canada to create our new Rapid Antigen testing.


Leadership is creating solutions and then sharing them as widely as possible. The past year has required an incredible amount of community leaders, but the BD Canada team stands out.

Amidst the pandemic, BD Canada developed a Rapid Antigen Swab system that quickly became a surveillance tool in congregate care settings in order to prevent outbreaks and save lives. BD Canada donated 1,000 Rapid Antigen Tests for COVID-19 and three BD Veritor™ Plus Analyzers, alongside BD Veritor™ InfoScan modules that allow for additional data, like a patient identifier, to be collected and linked to test results.

The program started with Safehaven and now protects 20+ agencies and counting. Our involvement in rapid antigen swab research with Ontario Health, multiple Ministries and Ontario Lab partners is just one example of the program’s evolution from a wellintentioned, concentrated effort into a multi-site, sector, ministry, regional collaboration with resources and funding secured for the year ahead. Thank you to BD Canada, specifically Greg Miziolek, President of BD Canada and the leadership team for their countless hours of innovation, consultation, demonstration, and follow-up. Rapid antigen surveillance swabbing has prevented outbreaks in our congregate settings and provided psychological safety to our clients, employees, and families. BD Canada are leaders in the sector – and this leadership, dedication, and kindness resulted in the health and safety of clients at Safehaven sites and across the province. We were pleased to host the BD Canada team along with our Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford for the launch of our Rapid Antigen Program.


our programs

RESIDENTIAL We have four residential locations in the Greater Toronto Area – a genuinely loving and supportive home for our clients. Families can rest easy knowing their children are loved and cared for in a fully accessible environment.

EMERGENCY RESPITE This year, we offered emergency respite services to families in need of temporary round-the-clock care during critical times. As well, we supported families and cared for their children when they were ill with COVID.

RECREATIONAL Even at home, we provide clients with fun and unique experiences, such as movie nights, listening to music, and other leisurely activities. Our goal is to make them feel part of a community and show that #WeBelong.

our innovations


This year, Safehaven has strongly championed affordable and accessible housing in the community. We are working on creating affordable housing in the city and making sure it is inclusive for our clients. Safehaven’s Bloor Expansion is being designed as an innovative and ground-breaking affordable housing project that fosters and facilitates inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities and medical complexities. The Bloor development will build upon and maximize community resources to contribute to a rich and diverse community, providing safety, flexibility, and choice to vulnerable individuals, and access to cutting-edge technology and services.


Safehaven’s Future Centre of Excellence (COE) at the Bloor location will be a state-of-the-art hub for care and supportive services geared to serve individuals and families with various complexities. Safehaven intends to partner with organizations and individuals from different sectors to develop an innovative facility that demonstrates excellence in services and programs for persons living with various complexities. This innovative building, along with the services provided, will demonstrate the possibilities that exist in creating inclusive societies for vulnerable individuals to live and grow.


Safehaven is proud to have appeared in the Spring 2021 Budget – personally, our favorite page is 49! We advocated to expand our specialized integrated programming for individuals who need medical technologies for life, thereby alleviating pressures on the healthcare system and improving their quality of life. The mention represented a significant milestone for our organization and is a true testament to our relentless pursuit to support vulnerable populations. We would like to thank our government partners for supporting this work. As we move into next year, we will continue to bolster this transition program because every client – regardless of their abilities – deserves to find a sense of independence and belonging in an integrated system of care.


Over the course of the year, we worked to understand and drive forward alternative solutions of support for our clients. We worked with an expansive list of partners, carried out consultations, and authored position papers as advocates. We consistently met with respective levels of government to discuss access to funding, wage increases, personal protective equipment, care models, technology, cross-sectoral capacity, and affordable and inclusive housing. Many of our clients face a barrier to accessing care once they turn 18. They lose essential supports and funding because of the administrative barrier between pediatric and adult services. Without Safehaven’s support, many of our clients with high complexity or who are dependent on assistive technology, such as wheelchairs, mechanical ventilators and communication devices, would be forced back into inappropriate settings rather than thrive in more inclusive community-based care. In 2020-2021 Safehaven, in collaboration with partners from the community and housing, worked to create innovative housing approaches to support vulnerable individuals and a path forward that will enable them to live with dignity and respect.


It Takes a Village

COVID-19 had a dramatically different impact on Safehaven’s respite and residential clients. In a year that kept our residential clients indoors and on the premises, our respite services were reduced to individuals and families in crisis to curb any possible virus transmission and prevent poor outcomes for vulnerable individuals.

Alyssa Jameau has been a respite client for seven years as she has cerebral palsy and requires complex care. Alyssa shares an affinity for music, water play, and Safehaven’s sensory rooms. Alyssa’s mother, Melissa, is a single mom. If that does not sound hard enough, the pandemic forced her to become Alyssa’s exercise and stretching coach, in-house teacher, personal chef, and breakfast to bed entertainment.

The pandemic demonstrated the value community can provide persons with disabilities. It is about more than just interaction; it is also about access to essential services. Alyssa missed engaging and educating entertainment and went without core services that support her health because of extended lockdowns.

Her mom, Melissa feels confident that our community, collectively, has done all we can to afford protections to all people and not just children with special needs. She noted the challenges of a year without Safehaven, characterizing them as devastating.

“Safehaven may not fully understand the amount of support they give families that have children like ours. Having a moment to yourself really makes a huge difference to recoup so you can be a better parent in the next moment. Having a child who does not walk or talk or may need help using the bathroom is a 24/7 job, and it’s nearly impossible without support.”

Alyssa loves to laugh and brings joy to every room when she sings or belts loud noises over her headphones. Once the pandemic is over, the Jameau family cannot wait to return to Safehaven, where Alyssa can be immersed in her community and Melissa can decompress, take a breath, and recharge so she and Alyssa can live as happily and healthily as they can.


Waiting for Garden Parties

Maria, Sharon, and Frank Wice are longstanding members of the Safehaven family. For the past thirty-years Maria has called our Aurora location a home. She moved into Safehaven as a tenyear- old, and currently, she and her family remain happy, healthy and are another milestone richer despite a challenging year. For many families like the Wice’s COVID-19 lockdowns took a significant toll as the pandemic limited their ability to join their loved ones. Safehaven was forced to suspend certain visitation rights to protect the health and safety of our vulnerable clients. Despite the distance, our front-line heroes found a way to maintain a connection with a quick pivot to virtual calls and outdoor visits. A maintained connection would not be possible without the sacrifice of Maria’s entire support system.

Pre-pandemic, Sharon and Frank would visit several times a week and Maria would join them to bake and garden. But this past year they have stayed at home, maintaining their physical distance and receiving COVID-19 swab testing on a bi-weekly basis, all in order to see Maria whenever possible. A regular schedule would include two to three visits per week, so very limited parameters caused stress for the Wice family. “At first because of all the rules, we were distraught, however quickly realized that’s what has kept our daughter and residents safe; Safehaven did everything in their power to protect everyone, right from the beginning.” She noted tremendously stressful challenges like wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and care requirements in such a high-pressure situation. Frank recounts Maria’s care team with sweat beading down them as they supported Maria through a prayer session in their full PPE, exemplifying willingness despite their obvious fatigue. We are grateful to share that Maria celebrated her 40th birthday virtually, in full health and her family’s baking in hand. While the Wice family was sad to have missed celebrating such a momentous milestone in her life, the family still advocates for precautionary measures as they ensure that the Aurora home, and every space that Maria shares, remains safe by celebrating from a distance and sending all the love they can. When the pandemic is over, the Wice family looks forward to smothering one another with hugs and kisses, sitting in the garden and listening to the birds, sharing Sunday brunches, and appreciating all the joy Maria has to offer the world.



When COVID-19 found its way into the Giri household, both parents quickly fell ill and became unable to care for their two children. They required admission to the hospital, and unfortunately for one parent this meant mechanical ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). They were lucky enough to receive immense love and support from their family and friends, such as prepared meals and volunteers to care for their older son. However, a seven-week-old baby requires intensive attention, so only a few weeks post-C-Section, the Giri’s were forced to part ways with Yuvaan as he found his way to Safehaven. Safehaven’s frontline employees provided aroundthe- clock care, feeding, and changing, and even documented Yuvaan’s every new milestone so his family could enjoy them in real time and celebrate them once reunited. Yuvaan loves to touch, hold his stuffed animals closely, and can amuse an entire room.

After 40 days apart, the family had an emotional reunion and shared the following about Safehaven:

You’ve helped us a lot at this time. We were scattered, unwell, and we did not know what was coming. I was going to work every day and somehow brought the virus home from the community. My sisters showed up with food and entertainment and love for our kids, which was incredible, but Safehaven saved our family,” Abi said. “When we were girlfriend and boyfriend that was different but now, we are parents and to have a support system help us when we were medically unable to be good parents saved our lives. We thank god for Safehaven every day and are so thankful to be back together as a f amily now.” Once the pandemic ends, Abi intends to work less. “I came to this country, and all I’ve done is work, but this really shows you what life is about. Having your family, having your health, and sharing your happiness.”

The Giri family left us with one final promise: to bring Yuvaan back and show him around Safehaven when he is bigger, stronger, and healthier. We cannot wait.

We are community. We belong.


We are an army of advocates going into the community and breaking down barriers to support our clients, their families and the broader community. Together we are creating meaningful and impactful change for the future of our sector. We could not do it without our team of heroes!

THANK YOU to our Board of Directors Our work in pivoting to virtual communitybuilding throughout these extraordinary times was made possible by the pillars of our community.

The support of our Board of Directors has always been pivotal – a steady, guiding force in driving our mission. But this past year, they went above and beyond their mandate. Each member of the board made a personal donation to Safehaven – a testament not only to the value of their expert leadership but more importantly, their commitment to our shared mission of enriching the lives of persons with disabilities and medical complexities.

THANK YOU to our virtual volunteers Siera Esposito / Fayaz Faizal / Priyanka Gill / Erica Lo Jaden Lo / Janaya Lo / Jamie Lo / Saige Pitawanakwat Sahar Popal / Arjun Rawal / Ojus Rawal / Jordan Schwartz / Vivian Tran / Katie Wasserman / Jenny Zhang In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded that now, more than ever, we need to make our clients feel that #WeBelong. Driven by our adaptability and unwavering commitment to exceptional care, we harnessed the power of digital technology to break down barriers to keeping our community connected. We launched a virtual volunteer program rooted in a long tradition of community engagement, and made safely accessible by virtual platforms that empowered volunteers to play music, read stories, and teach art to our clients. The inspiring generosity and dedication of our volunteers to give back is proof of the enduring power of community, especially in these most extraordinary times.


Good things come in three’s and the same can certainly be said about the Lo siblings. Jaden, Janaya, and Jamie Lo spent countless hours storytelling and conducting symphonies for Safehaven clients virtually, filling our hearts with much-needed joy throughout the year.

The oldest of the trio and longtime volunteer, Jaden recruited his younger siblings as happy helpers, each sharing their own talents onscreen. For his dedication to our community, Jaden was awarded Outstanding Volunteer of the Year by the City of Vaughan.

This well-deserved recognition was made possible by the teamwork of the Lo siblings: reading entire novels, chapter by chapter, and their merry little band playing different instruments to serenade our clients, from Bach to Disney to Niall Horan. Each time they graced our screens, we were captivated by Jaden’s cadence in voicing characters; Janaya’s electric smile and melodies; and Jamie’s strength and confidence in deftly handling the bow of her violin.

In sharing their time and talents to our community, the Lo family has not only uplifted our spirits, but proved the positive mental health impact of enduring social bonds on our clients’ well-being. We are grateful and beyond honoured to witness the Lo family embody the value of community in their willingness to educate, entertain and connect with our clients despite barriers like physically distancing. Thank you for all you are, and all you do as individuals, as a family, and as an integral part of Safehaven.

We are Community.


In a year that challenged our community like no other, we are heartened and inspired by the enduring kindness of our donors. Their unwavering generosity has enabled us to adapt to new ways of delivering exceptional care to our clients, in continued service to our mission of breaking down barriers and changing perceptions about what it means to live with a disability or medically complex care needs – particularly at a time of global pandemic. With these donations, we are able to persevere in building an inclusive community where our clients truly feel that #WeBelong.

$20,000+ Angels from Heaven Youth Foundation Inc. MLSE Foundation Rizzo Custom Built Homes The Estate of Sidney J. Lipton The Harold E. Ballard Foundation

$5,000 – $9,999 Jean and Susan Bisaillon Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy The Perkell Family Unilock Ltd.

$10,000 – $19,999 J.P. Bickell Foundation LiUNA! Local 183 United Way Greater Toronto

$2,500 – $4,999 David Dame Khalil Alfar Noela and David Fowler Novascape Contractors Ltd Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine

$1,000 – $2,499 Eric Clarke Gaurav Singh Joseph Brian Donnelly Judy Litwack-Goldman Mark Bayko Mary Peterson Ontario REALTORS Care Foundation Primary Support Systems Sacha Kennedy Sambhavi Chandrashekar Sandra Smith Sandy Liang The WB Family Foundation

$1 – $999 Abhilash Dominic Accessibility Interests Working Group Agathoulla Markou Ah-Ran Cho Allie and Tara Cotter/Mallory Andrea Sass-Kortsak Andrea Tynan Ann Mowat Anne Strutt Ashley Pettifer (Murray) Bag of Toronto Barry Peters Bernadette Gallagher Betty Tam Bonnie Lawrence Brad Tigwell Brian Whittaker Carleen Crocco Carol Kotacka Carolyn Runstedler Cindy Moore Connie D’Souza Connie Lombardi Counterpoint Engineering Inc. David Poley Dawn McGoldrick Deb Biggar Debi Archinoff Deborah Fowler Dianna Lesti Dilys Haughton Dorothy Chan Elisabeth Ward Emily Marshall Emily O’Kell Flora Kalogirou Gina Tse Giovanni Raccuglia Gloria Nanou Heidi Tsang Humber Valley United Church Women Indrajit Roy International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, L.U. 353 Irum Afzal Jaimie Callan Jake Zondag Janet Quinn Jennifer Briscoe Jennifer Lovrics Jennifer Wood Joanne M. Rosendale Katherine Lee Keith Sequeira Kim Stelmacovich Leana Reis Linda & Doug Wright Linda Hutjens Lorraine Pigulski Louie Mata Maria Giuliani Mary and Wayne Dishart Mary Coppard Michael Deshaies Michael Smith Michelle Nguyen Michelle St. John Microsoft Canada Montu Gupta Nancie Mcleod Neville Sequeira Pelinus N Antony Penelopi Gregoriou Peter & Greg Walker Contracting Inc. Properly Rajhad Murad Richard Strutt Samsung Electronics Canada Inc. Sandra Fish Sean Graglia Seika Boye Sew For TO Shai Sakal Shane Brethauer Steve De Quintal Gaurav Nijhawan: Subway Franchises Restaurants of Canada Susan Heden Suzanne Zaffino Tiffany Cowan Todd & Cathy Cotter Tony Silvestri Toronto Charter Branch of the Association of Administrative Professionals Trudy Gorzny Vincenzo Carinci Vincenzo Costa Zoe Rosenbaum

In-Kind Donors BD Canada Canadian Tire Corporation Dani Peters – Magnet Strategy Group Dymon Storage Company Google Ad Grants Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics Project Sunshine


Financial Statement

Assets Mar-23 Mar-22
Current assets 13,109,771 13,783,227
Long Term Lease 746,550
Capital assets 3,568,843 3,859,725
Intangibleassets 219,861
Total Assets   17,645,025   17,642,952
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current liabilities 1,418,845 1,190,258
Deferred revenue related to capital assets 972,466 1,068,747
Fund balances 15,253,714 15,383,947
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances   17,645,025   17,642,952
REVENUES 2023 2022
MCCSS subsidy 5,943,320 4,765,733
COVID-19 revenue 1,394,168 2,197,099
ODSP, CSA, and Agency contributions 1,850,750 1,457,730
Contribution from other agencies 920,054 194,473
Projects 303,704 71,824
Rental Income 212,944 208,869
Donations 166,528 292,133
Gifts in Kind 158,844 228,376
Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets 144,085 157,234
Grant revenue - Employment and Social Development Canada 15,854 45,690
Miscellaneous 8,951 1,782
Total Revenue   11,119,202   9,620,943
Staffing 7,835,965 6,785,062
Supplies 838,420 466,258
Occupancy 655,407 497,972
Professional fees 601,034 579,729
Office and general 540,485 566,145
Amortization 390,310 443,616
Gifts in Kind 158,844 228,376
Food 88,080 56,707
Investment management fees 69,594 68,932
Transportation 64,976 17,873
Total expenses   11,243,115   9,710,670
Deficit before undernoted item   (123,913)   (89,727)
Investment income (loss) (6,320) 306,431
Surplus (Deficit)   (130,233)   216,704


This past year, our team has been more exemplary, resilient, and pivotal to our mission than ever. Through their hard work, they are a window to the world for our clients – a nurturing and guiding force as our clients and their families alike coped with the day-to-day life at a time of global pandemic. We celebrate all of our wonderful staff. We applaud our team for putting themselves on the line for others, and honour this year’s most outstanding heroes.

AWARD: TEAM VALUES Individual Winner: Angel Payawal Team Winner: Mobile Infection Prevention and Control Team Angel Payawal Haley Dobski Nichola Higgs Judy Costello Maureen Cava Jocelyn Bennett Leigh Anne Owen Adam Walser Collette Montague Tinesha Anglin Joan Locquiao Claudia Marmol Samantha Herbert

AWARD: QUALITY FOCUS Individual Winner: Carol Hamilton Team Winner: All of the houses Aurora Bloor Clayland Glenaden Timber Lane

AWARD: ACCOUNTABILITY Individual Winner: Amy Budge Team Winner: Client Care Coordinators Angel Payawal Nichola Higgs Nancy Alfaro Gillian Mootoo

AWARD: CLIENT/FAMILY CENTERED C ARE Individual Winner: Randel Rawn-Hartley Team Winner: Aurora

AWARD: RESPECTFUL INTERACTIONS Individual Winner: Vimala Sait Team Winner: Glenaden

AWARD: SAFETY Individual Winner: Rachel Lund Team Winner: Patricia Buenavente Ashley Bruce-Rose

MILESTONE YEARS OF SER VICE 5 years: Susan Bisaillon, Bloor Nichola Higgs, Timber Lane Randel Rawn-Hartley, Glenaden Collette Montague, Bloor

THANK YOU! Because of you, our clients thrived amidst the challenges of the past year, and live happy, healthy lives with exceptional care from our frontline heroes. With the help of our partners, we have not only been able to deliver our mission of exceptional care but create a community wherein our clients truly belong.

SUPPORT SAFEHAVEN We appreciate everything you do for us and our clients. Your support goes directly to our clients and their programming. We hope to count on your continued generosity as we champion an inclusive community where we can break down barriers and change perceptions about what it means to live with medically complex care needs.